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3/20/2024 5:58:37 PM
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Section 14: Coffee Klatch Subject: Happy New Year to you! Msg# 1200865
Hi Kyra,
Hope you’re all healed up and black eyes are long gone By now. Happy to hear that you are seeing so much better now. I finally got to the optometrist and got a prescription for new lenses. We’re going to get a good sized refund from our taxes so I will be getting new glasses soon. The cataracts aren’t worrisome but eventually I will have to address them. Good eye doctor this time. Going tomorrow for my annual eye dilation for the retinal pictures. Had to put one of my calico cats, Cindy, to sleep on February 22, she was peeing other places than the litter boxes and I tried everything to try and break the habit. She was 17. Her sister Jan is still with us but I think she’s missing Cindy even though they weren’t a close pair of cats. She lived with Cindy for all her life so is alone most of the time while I’m at work and Damon is in and out of ,the house during the day. Bet the candy holders were cute along with the cards ??. We have had more rain after that storm that flooded our buildings but nothing like that storm. Most everything has been repaired/replaced. It was very destructive for sure. I’m getting ready for another craft fair on April 20th. Making more jewelry this time and rice bags(heat in the microwave, wrap in a towel and put on are muscles, etc.) Will be interesting to see how much I will be able to make and sell this time. Damon planted a Roma tomato plant and a bell pepper plant yesterday. The pepper plant is loaded with buds. Ours is a green to red pepper. Time for a quick nap then laundry. Hope you have a great rest of your week and the weather is good. love, Colleen |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: We are all doing fine. I look like I've been in a wild fight. I did heal up from the first eye surgery but Monday the 12th I had the second surgery. This time it was my upper eye lids. The first day it looked like I had a couple of black eyes the next day everything that had been black was dark red. It looked bad. But now it's purple a little red and a lot of greenish yellow. The sweeling has gone down to almost normal and I can drive again. The first three days I couldn't see well enough to drive. With all the eye ointment my eyes were blurry. I have swelling on the side of my eyebrows where he pulled up the mussles on both sides and tacked the up.But I can see so much better than before the surgery. During the first surgery I was asleep during this on I was only asleep while he put the kovacain in my face then they woke me up so I could open and close my eyes when he told me to. Then half way through he had to add more kovacain because my body burns through it so fast. But now it's all done and it was worth it. I've been working on candy holders for Saint Patricks day and chick candy holders for Easter. They are so cute. I've been making cards for Lexi's teachers too. I'm waiting for Eva to show up for her visit with her father. Lexi will stay with Katie during the viisit. They will come back and pick of Eva after the visit. I had to stop a minute to start lunch so we can eat before Ben gets here. Tuna and noodles since Eva loves them and Katie can't stand them. She won't eat any tuna. So I have to make sure the girls get tuna here. Then I tell them to go home and breath on their mother. It's 33 outside right now but by not this Monday but next Monday it's suppose to be in the 70's. This has to been the strangest weather we've had in a while. Sorry to hear about Damon's accident. I hope he wasn't hurt to bad. I seems strange to hear San Diego and flooding in the same sentence. Im glad no one was hurt. Well I need to go and put some ice on my face my stitches are starting to itch. The ice calms is itching down and helps keep the swelling down too. Love Kyra |