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![]() ![]() Section 6: International Subject: Cheap EVs Msg# 1211974
Perhaps Sparrows Point will produce the steel for rebuilding the Key Bridge. Seems all Marylanders will support that project. Would as well generate jobs -- """Gold news for Baltimore area workers. """
A contrast from offshore wind projects where so many folks oppose the projects, all along the Atlantic coast. Jamming down the throats of coastal towns. And foreign companies will walk away with any profits, assuming the oceans don't wreck their economics with excessive maintenance costs. Also, don't forget impact on people's pocket books from steeper utility rates. Countries with the greater investments in wind & solar have the highest utility rates. Image below from Tom Hemmick - Image Title: Renewable power == skyhigh cost Uploaded: 1/15/2021 ![]() |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: Goid news for Baltimote area workers. Sparrows Point Steel will be able to effectively stage and deliver wind tower components, such as nacelle, towers, and blades, as well as foundations, making it a leading hub for offshore wind logistics on the East Coast. |