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Photo From: Tom Hemmick - Album: No Album

Description: Sharyl Attkisson's Media Bias Chart.  This chart features a simpler classification system than others published by left wing sources.  And it omits any slurs that the other charts use, -- such as -- hyper-partisan, fabricated, misleading, propaganda.  Omits those tell-tail signs of built in bias. Uploaded: 9/26/2022 by Tom Hemmick
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(1/19/2025) Mark Freburg wrote: For those that actually believe their chosen media source for information is unbiased, this is an excellent dissuader, and I'd encourage anyone who hasn't looked over this chart previously to do so, or if you have, do so again. I have seen it before, but it was nice looking it over again, and I commend Tom for posting it here originally. It should remind us not to get too worked up over what we see on television or read in the paper--none of it is above at least some bias--and those on the edges, a lot of it!