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(1/30/2025) Jim Matthews wrote:
Antarctica Gains Ice Antarctica has experienced both gains and losses of ice, depending on the region and the timeframe considered. Here's a summary of the current situation: East Antarctica: Some areas of East Antarctica have been gaining ice due to increased snowfall, which is attributed to warmer air holding more moisture. However, the gains are not enough to offset the losses occurring in other parts of Antarctica. West Antarctica: This region has been experiencing significant ice loss, particularly due to the thinning of glaciers and the melting of ice shelves. The loss of ice in West Antarctica is contributing to global sea level rise. Overall Ice Mass: According to data from NASA's GRACE and GRACE-FO satellites, Antarctica is losing ice mass at an average rate of about 150 billion tons per year. This loss is contributing to global sea level rise. Sea Ice Trends: While Antarctic sea ice extent increased gradually from the late 1970s until 2014, it has since experienced significant decreases. In 2014, sea ice reached a record high, but by 2017, it had dropped to its lowest value in the 40-year satellite record. These trends indicate that while some parts of Antarctica are gaining ice, the overall trend for the continent is a net loss of ice mass, contributing to global sea level rise Sources: ?? pnas.org A 40-y record reveals gradual Antarctic sea ice increases followed by decreases at rates far exceeding the rates seen in the Arctic | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ?? earthobservatory.nasa.gov World of Change: Antarctic Sea Ice ?? sciencenews.org Greenland and Antarctica are gaining ice inland but losing it overall | Science News ?? climate.gov Despite Antarctic Gains, Global Sea Ice Is Shrinking | NOAA Climate.gov ?? climate.nasa.gov Ice Sheets | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet ?? factcheck.org Antarctic Ice Loss Is Significant, Contrary to Claims - FactCheck.org ?? nsidc.org Sea Ice Today | National Snow and Ice Data Center ?? scientificamerican.com What to Believe in Antarctica's Great Ice Debate | Scientific American ?? eos.org New Perspectives on the Enigma |